
Apply Today

Our program helps active duty and veteran military members get funds to cover their closing costs during a home purchase.

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Your donations will directly go to benefit MHAF’s mission to help veterans and military families purchase homes.

Adam and Michele

Dear MHAF,

We would like to thank you all for making home ownership possible for my wife and I. I served in the U.S. Army for 9 years and spent 16 months in Iraq where I was injured in combat from a mortar attack where I received shrapnel to my head and body. I spent years in and out of the VA hospital trying to recover from these injuries. Most of my life was spent on the road traveling and moving from place to place because of the military.

United States Military Housing Assistance

Finally with the help of MHAF my wife and I have been able to “set roots” in one place. We were able to purchase and build our first home that we now enjoy so dearly. Having a place to call home certainly helps with recovery. Thank you MHAF for making this dream a reality.

Adam and Michele

Thank You For All Your Help


Thank you for all your help and the agents you provide. Our Realator was phenomenal and our lender was such a fantastic help to us. I would truly recommend the MHAF to all my military friends. Your team made my house buying experience such am ease and enjoyment!
The Burkett Family

Closing Cost Grant

Share Your Story

All of Us at Military Housing Assistance Fund would LOVE to hear your story!

…and so would many other military families who hope to own a home. Scroll down to read about some of our many success stories. Click here to share your story!

You can write in the box below to leave a written testimonial. You can even attach an image of you in front of your home.

Please include your full name(s) [note: it’s okay to just use your last name initial or leave out your last name(s) entirely for privacy reasons], your rank and branch of service, as well the city and state where MHAF assisted you in achieving home ownership.

Thank you for your assistance in getting the word out about Military Housing Assistance Fund, and most of all, Thank You for Your Service!

MHAF Housing Assistance For Veterans

Our mission at Military Housing Assistance Fund is to help military service members and veterans get into their next home. It’s always heartwarming to hear from a satisfied veteran as they make their big move!

This testimonial from Brendan below is the perfect example of how we like to work with you to help eliminate closing costs.

“The team at the Military Housing Assistance Fund are the real deal. At first, it seemed too good to be true, but after talking with them we realized that they could help make our first home buying experience a reality. They set us up with our fantastic realtor, Maria, who met and exceeded our expectations in every way. She helped negotiate the purchase of the house on our terms, at a price that made our dream a possibility. Although there were some communications issues with the lender that we were obliged to use, everything eventually worked out in the end, with the lender offering a competitive rate and terms. Lastly, the financial assistance we received directly from the Military Housing Assistance fund was a great help in eliminating the remaining closing costs and other home-buying expenses. I would highly recommend the Military Housing Assistance Fund to any service member who needs help in navigating the long and complicated home buying process.”

– Brendan

“Thanks to the Whole MHAF Family for All You Do for Vets”

Our entire team is passionate about helping veterans get into their next home. That’s why we bring an entire team to act as your realtor, lender and more during your home buying process, and in the end our team works together to help you save money on closing costs.

Here is a testimonial from another happy MHAF family:

“It is with great joy that I can sit down and right this Thank You letter to you in my new home. When we first started our home buying adventure we had no idea what to expect but the cooperation between you, the Realtor, and the Lender was seamless. In a matter of a few days we had an approval from the lender. A short time later our very accommodating Realtor, Kamesha, was contacting us to view homes within our budget and in the part of town we most wanted. It must be difficult to juggle the needs and wants of such a large, extended family as ours, but she was awesome the whole time. The lender was always in touch to make sure we knew what was going on. I want to thank the whole MHAF family for all you do for vets. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

– The Olaires Family